acne story
acne treatment
how to deal with acne
Wash your face twice - I wash mine once to take off my make up and then again to really cleanse my skin
Stick to a skincare regime - it can be really tempting to change up your skincare products every few weeks because something isn't working straight away. I think you should always give something about 4 weeks to work before you can judge it (unless you have an allergic reaction to it)
Changing to a non-comedogenic foundation. These can be difficult to find if you don't know what you are looking for. There's a really long list of ingredients you are supposed to avoid but I simply googled non-comedogenic foundations and picked one. My current is Bourjois Health Mix which I'm in love with.
The 'A' word
Hi everyone!
I thought I would go in deep with the first blog post and write about something that I don't think is spoken about enough, acne.
I've never had particularly good skin, I've always had problems with it. Not just on my face but also my chest and back. It wasn't until around February this year that it got really bad and I decided to do something about it.
My bad areas are my cheeks. It started on my jawline on the right hand side of my face and spread and spread. Not only spots, but also scars from where the spots have faded. I went to see my GP and got prescribed antibioitics and also a benzoyl peroxide gel (this literally dries your spots out, not so attractive when they start peeling). I went back 8 weeks later and my skin hadn't got any better so I changed antibiotics and my GP also referred me to a dermatologist. Unfortunately, clearing acne is a long process and nothing is going to work overnight.
When I was first prescribed antibiotics - 18th March 2014 |
8 weeks into my first course - 26th April 2014 |
Today! |
This is my skin now! I know it's still not perfect but it's improved so much. My spots have definitely got better and although I have scarring, I would have this over spots any day! Although the antibiotics and the benzoyl peroxide are helping, I think there's a few major changes I made that helped clear my skin:
- ALWAYS take your make up off at night - I never slept with my make up on but I also didn't take it off properly. Make up wipes can work for some people but for me they left make up on my skin and in my pores
I would always, always encourage people to go to the GP about their skin if it's bothering them. I wish I had done it a long time ago but better late than never!
C x
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