before and after
make up
Monday Must-Have
True Match

Monday Must-Have (Before & After)
Sorry for the lack of posts - I came home from university on Friday (a bit earlier than I was supposed to) and have been so ill since I've been back. I didn't want to miss another Monday Must-Have so made a special effort! I know I have spoken about L'Oreal True Match before, but I have never actually shown it in action! I thought for today's post, I would show you why I love it as much as I do.
First things first, the packaging. I actually really love it compared to most drug store foundations. It's a glass bottle with a silver pump and clear lid. The only problem I have is the mess that ends up in the lid as I feel like I'm wasting so much product. This is a bottle that you know isn't going to break and cover the contents of your make up bag in foundation.
The shade range of True Match is out of this world. With 18 different shades, it already stands out from other drugstore foundations. They have a shade for all skin colours (1-8), including neutral (N), warm (W) and cool (C). As a very fair skinned girl, this is amazing because so many pale foundations have pink undertones and look ridiculous on me. I'm W1 Golden Ivory and although being a tiny bit too dark, blends perfectly to match my neck. I do also have N1 Ivory but left it at home when I went to university as I lost the lid! This is the same as W1 but slightly more pink.
True Match is rumoured to be a Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk dupe which I think is pretty impressive. The formula is quite thick but nowhere near as thick as MAC Studio Fix. This foundation blends like an absolute dream. You do need quite a moisturised face underneath or it will cling to dry patches, but with a good moisturiser and primer underneath that's not an issue.

This is my face moisturised and primed and as you can see it's quite blemished and scarred. It's looking particularly bad at the moment because I'm unwell. The left side of my face is the worst for scarring so I think it works quite well as a test.
These pictures are one layer of True Match which is really all you need. My blemishes and scars are covered and some of the discolouration has been covered. For people with clearer skin, you could easily wear this foundation and not need any concealer. I'd say it's medium coverage but could definitely be built up to full coverage. The foundation sets matte but doesn't leave your face looking two-dimensional. I can actually get away without powder on top which is really saying something for my skin!
At £9.99, this is definitely a foundation that you need to check out. It's perfect for everyday wear and for nights out too. It does have SPF17 but there's hardly any bounce back from flash photography. With a shade range rivalling high end foundations, you'll definitely be able to find a shade to suit your skin tone.
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