long distance
Long Distance Relationships
When you're at university, long distance relationships seem to be a really common thing. Everybody tells you how difficult it is to make long distance relationships work and I don't disagree at all, but there's definitely ways to make it easier on yourself.
1. If your hearts are both in it, it'll work
I'm now in my second long distance relationship, the first didn't work out but I have been with my boyfriend for 10 months and we're going from strength to strength. If you don't have faith in your relationship, trust in each other and confidence that it's going to work you'll find it difficult.
2. Trust each other
I know this is easier said than done but if you don't trust your boyfriend/girlfriend, your relationship is going to be 100 times more difficult. I have been with people I don't trust and it drove me insane. I know I can go on a night out and my boyfriend will trust me and vice versa. If you can't go out without your other half getting angry with you, you probably need to have a talk.
3. Plan when you're going to see each other
I find that knowing when I'm going to see my boyfriend makes waiting that little bit easier. It's still incredibly difficult but being able to count down the days makes it seem a bit quicker. I see my boyfriend every 2 or 3 weeks and we take it in turns - one time he comes to Bath and the next I go home.
4. See it as a test
This will most likely be the biggest test of your relationship - distance will either make you stronger or will tear you apart. Work to make the relationship as good as it can be and remember that every moment apart is going to make you stronger when you're together. When I haven't seen my boyfriend for a couple of weeks, the time that we get together is so precious and it breaks my heart when he leaves but we're stronger than we have ever been.
5. FaceTime/Skype
I go to sleep that little bit later than I should each night so I have an opportunity to FaceTime my boyfriend as we're both incredibly busy during the day. If you don't have a chance to speak during the day, this time in the evening is vital so you can catch up on your days.
6. Don't hide your feelings
If you're feeling down, anxious, scared - let them know. Don't hide your worries about the relationship and let them build up until you see each other and they explode. Even if it seems silly, if it's bugging you then say it.
7. Expect bumps in the road
Not every moment is going to be perfect. There'll still be arguments, times where you miss each other a painful amount and days where you don't get to talk much. You just need to work through these and see the light at the other end of the tunnel.
8. Stay Happy
If it's not making you happy - don't do it. Don't stay in a relationship that makes you more unhappy than it makes you happy.
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