One Lovely Blog Award
Massive thank you to the lovely Samantha at Livin' On Brightside for nominating me for this award a couple of weeks ago so I thought it was finally time to get around to posting it!
Here are the rules for this award:
▸ You must display the award logo at the top of the post
▸ You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post
▸ You must add these set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do
▸ You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post
▸ You must nominate 15 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post
▸ You must let the people who you have nominated know that they have been nominated
▸ You must follow back the person who nominated you on Bloglovin' and GFC (I don't have a GFC account!)
7 Random Facts About Me:
1.) I'm over half way through my semester which is terrifying
2.) I'm studying Pharmacology which is the research of new drug treatments and it's not want I want to do in the future
3.) My hair has been through a huge transition of colours and lengths - blonde, brown, ginger and now my natural browny blonde
4.) I now have 154 Bloglovin' followers which is absolutely crazy!
5.) I am a peanut butter addict
6.) ..And a Drake addict
7.) I eat pasta every single day
I tag:
1.) georgialouise
2.) London Callings
4.) Rachel Bronwyn
6.) Dr3am0utL0ud
8.) Janine Harris
9.) Doves and Roses
10.) it Dawns on Me
11.) Alemint
12.) xoclassy
14.) Alice In Boots
Enjoy guys and don't forget to let me know when you've posted your tag!
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